Tuesday 28 April 2015

I don't like the cold. My war on Autumn despite being Russian

It's lovely to see the rest of the world getting excited about Spring, arguably the nicest season.

Here in Australia it is the opposite.

My pretty dresses are still hanging, I plan to stride into the rain no matter what (thank goodness for superpowered technologically advanced stockings).

My other clothes have been folded away and tucked under the bed in defeat.

My shelves are now lined with jumpers and knits and cardigans and approximately 10 versions of that one black long sleeved shirt I like.

It's a sad time, but not all is lost. I am thrilled to be able to start wearing deep, autumnal reds, coppers and rose golds, midnight blue and even still those bright pastels as a reminder that cold still = bright.
My infutuation with bright colours is something I take pride in.

We should all be able to parade about in dark jackets and gorgeous dark boots, but it's that neon scarf that stands out amongst them doesn't it?

With that being said, my current asprations include finding 3 pieces of wear for this winter that are shockingly bright.

I have also made plans to buy a great rain jacket following Sydney's mini rain apocalypse recently.

My umbrellas survived, but I did not stay dry in the wind.

I have my eye on the beautiful classic bright yellow rain jacket that overseas brand 'Rains' sells.


I shall have to keep you updated in the process.

Do you have cold weather aspirations?
Do you seek comfort in bright colours?

I want to hear what you all do!
Mash it up

The result of the series of storms recently hitting Sydney. Snow!

Idyllic isn't it? The view at my local Sydney Park after the storms ended. 

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